Focuses on the study of computer systems and software development which is designed to provide a solid foundation in Computer Science.
University of CalicutLearning the basics of Computer Science and Languages. Establishing the path of Computer Science.
Gov of KeralaTechnical Study with Electronic and Electrical Sections. Also the basics of Motor Mechanic leads.
Gov of KeralaManaging the area network under the organization and to configure with a specific way.
Future HorizonsInternship in Full Stack web Development in Python with a framework of Django.
Synnefo SolutionsI am an enthusiastic and scholastic python programmer who has hands-on experience in django development. My undergoing internship has helped me in having expert knowledge of python, SQL, CSS, and HTML.
I am highly motivated to continue learning and improving my craft. I have the confidence to provide my best to my whole works. And I chose this career by having the interest in coding and designing.
A low- or high-level application that enables the network to perform more than basic functions. Some examples of networking services include NTP, DNS, DHCP, VoIP, File and Directory, Hardware Sharing, Email, and Website Hosting.
State-of-the-art surveillance technology for maximum home and business security. We install cutting-edge security cameras with real-time monitoring features. 24/7 Customer Support. Effortless 24/7 Security. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Serves two primary functions: managing traffic between these networks by forwarding data packets to their intended IP addresses, and allowing multiple devices to use the same Internet connection.Also configurate it's necessary components.